This story may be more than you need to know, but I like to be transparent. I hope this is helpful.
As you know, I’m Seth, and you probably won’t be surprised to learn that I was the struggling student that I work to help nowadays. Yep, I was “that kid.” Kindergarten was fine, but here are some rave reviews quoted directly from my 1st-grade report cards:
“Slow worker. Very easily distracted. Loves school. Wants to be helpful. Very short attention span and never really gets into his work. Exhibits a very deep feeling and enjoyment. He loves stories. If I could only get him stimulated I know he would do well. He is a very thoughtful child. I think he is much brighter than he lets on and my hope is that as he matures and his short attention span increases, he will show greater academic progress.”
Even in first grade, I couldn’t fit in the proverbial box, and it only got worse in later grades. The same sort of comments appeared:
“Lazy. Unmotivated. Not living up to his potential. Daydreams. Needs to work harder. Doesn’t try his best. Doesn’t pay attention. Needs to focus. If he would just apply himself, he’d be okay.”
Well, here’s the message I internalized: I’m not okay, I’m somehow broken, there is something wrong with me. I’m a lazy failure. I can’t do it, nobody seems to see my effort, so I’m not enough. Why even try?
Of course, I had strengths, but they weren’t noted or built upon enough through traditional schooling, and I needed tools & insights that simply weren’t available back then. So, I struggled, a lot. I felt like a “lazy failure” and felt a great deal of shame. Sadly, I learned to dislike me.
Adopted at the ripe age of 3 days by an incredible family in Columbus, OH, I was a happy kid, but I never quite felt like I fit in. There was a sense that I was somehow different. I was creative and my imagination was wild and vivid. I would draw entire stories on giant rolls of paper, spanning 30 feet or more. I would collect countless random objects to examine, take things apart, make cool inventions. Some of them even worked. I was a lover of the natural world; bugs, plants, animals, rocks, the forest, the sky. I was intuitive and highly sensitive to what was going on around me. And I was a free-spirited dreamer, adventuring through my world — but schooling would minimize this.
Year after year, my grades slipped. Instead of developing my strengths, I tried to fit into the expectations of the school. Square peg, round hole. My frustration and hopelessness grew and eventually I gave up trying or put in as little effort possible to stay off the radar. Unconsciously, it came down to this: school wasn’t worth much effort since there was little reward and I just ended up feeling bad about myself anyhow. I wasn’t able to access learning in the way it was presented and I felt like a failure.
I was tested for learning disabilities in middle school and there were none identified. They said I had a high IQ but there were no programs at the time, and just having that knowledge didn’t help me gain access to any strategies or tools to help. And these test results just left my parents and teachers more perplexed: “we know he can do it, so he must not want to.” Seems logical, but they were missing a big part of the picture.
So I floundered through high school. I did fine the first two years with minimal effort because I compensated well. I always was strong out of the gates each semester, but quickly lost momentum and got behind. I couldn’t manage all the minutiae, so I didn’t do much homework, and I didn’t know how to “study”. If I did homework, I rushed it and I often forgot to turn it in or lost it. I didn’t know how to be a student in the system. It was as if the other kids got an instruction book on how to be a student, that I was never given.
My grades really began to suffer in the 11th grade when I couldn’t fake it anymore. D’s and F’s became the norm as I became more apathetic and as my parents became more concerned. They watched helplessly as I lied and lied about how I was doing and as I pushed them away when they tried to help.
My grades were horrible, but I graduated high school. High SAT scores made it possible for me to enter Ball State University in a remedial program and on probation. The program required me to take 3 college classes in the summer, immediately after high school ended. I got 2 C’s and an A that summer. Ironically, the A was in Study Skills — I was always able to pull it together when the pressure was on, to make it “look” like I had things under control. At least it got people off my back for a bit longer.
I completely failed the fall semester and was put on academic probation. I then failed the spring semester, was officially kicked out of college and moved back home with the folks. They didn’t know how to help me, and I wouldn’t have accepted it anyhow. I looked for any job that would hire me.
I didn’t want to live with my parents — I wanted to be treated as an adult even though I acted like an irresponsible and helpless little kid. I ended up living with my grandmother, one of the most amazing people I’ve ever known. I tried again at a community college in Columbus, Ohio. Same pattern — started strong, optimistic with new resolve.
But things went downhill fast. Failed again.
By this time I was deeply hopeless and suffering internally. I felt empty. I felt like a complete failure and knew I would never be able to accomplish anything in life. What went wrong? Why was I broken? Why try? I gave up.
Turning it around
One day, after many months of self-pity and blame, I hurt so badly that I decided I would do whatever I had to do to give myself a real try once again. I was willing to do anything, including asking for help repeatedly until I got the help I needed. This was the hardest thing of all.
I began to change, slowly but surely. Momentum was building. I was having little successes. I got a minimum wage job I liked. I went home from work feeling good about what I had done. There was meaning in my work, and ironically, I was working with kids. And I thought I was pretty good at it.
I’m so thankful for that job because it literally changed the course of my entire life. It was for a company called AYS (At Your School), in Indianapolis. I don’t know if it exists anymore. I worked with a woman named Candy Hammond – I’ve since lost touch with her and cannot locate her. Nonetheless, she was a BRILLIANT teacher, and she showed me that you could positively impact a child’s life, that you can make a real difference. She was my first mentor and neither of us knew it. She inspired me to want to be better at serving kids. I would watch in awe as she would artfully listen to the students on a level so deep, it was almost spiritual. She attuned to the kids, she saw what they really needed, but not as students first. She saw their needs as human beings first. There’s a critical distinction here. I wanted to be able to help kids as she did. And this is how my professional journey began in 1993.
One day, while driving my old Mazda stick shift home from working at a school in Indy, with my long hair blowing in the wind, I noticed I had a big smile across my face and I realized that I wasn’t that hopeless person anymore. Somewhere in the past several months, those things that made me hopeless had been put to sleep. I was alive, invigorated. That moment, I realized then that I was always leaving work happy and it was at that moment that I dedicated my life to helping kids. I didn’t know how I would help and I didn’t care. All I knew was that I needed to go in that direction and find a path to serve.
I went back to school to become a teacher and worked harder than I ever worked in my life. I probably worked harder than almost everyone in my classes because I didn’t have strong student skills. I literally would sit to study, sometimes reading the same sentence 10 or 20 times before it would sink in, determined to succeed no matter how hard it was or how long it took. It was painstaking. Every trick I could think of to make learning easier I did. I didn’t know it, but I was coaching myself.
I ended up doing pretty well. Through some twist of fate, I was the student asked to represent my graduating class at Indiana University by speaking at my graduation. Me, the once “hopeless, lazy, failure”. Through all of this, I learned beyond a shadow of a doubt that kids don’t have to suffer, that they can be successful and most importantly, happy.
But there is no quick fix. It takes time, patience, persistence. Kids need the right tools. Schools need to meet students where they are at. They need to see students holistically and build upon strengths. Left-brained students often navigate the system just fine, as it aligns with their strengths. But there are many right-brained, outside-the-box thinkers that don’t fit the mold. They might be random, global, big-picture, poor with details, creative, quirky, or otherwise divergent, neurodiverse learners. The fact is, when struggling students are properly understood and educated, they shine.
Nowadays I love my life. Sure, I still have massive Executive Function struggles, but I know what to do about it. As a result, I’ve built rich relationships, a career that I’m passionate about, a healthy lifestyle, a positive outlook, fulfilling hobbies, and most importantly, I’m pretty happy. So, in the greatest humility, I feel infinitely grateful that I’ve found my strengths. It’s my hope that I can share them here in such a way that it helps more and more kids have increasingly better lives.
Shine on,
Seth Perler
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Encouraging. Thank you. 👍
Thank you for sharing your amazing story with students, teachers and parents and for spreading hope and knowledge through your teachings. Keep it coming! Elaine
Elaine, you are welcome!
This sounds so familiar. You could be speaking about my very smart granddaughter with ADHD. Thank you for your wise and insightful input.
Marilyn Radford
You’re welcome – I hope it’s applicable and helpful Marilyn. – Seth
Seth, Thank you for persevering and doing what you do, to help others! This is what we need more of in the world – people like you!
I watched your webinar with Jed Applerouth yesterday and was so engaged and intrigued that I wasted no time coming here. My bright H.S. son’s strategy was do as little of the boring stuff as possible and then ace the final. Then a pandemic came, and there was no final. We found and hired an academic coach, and it has made all the difference.
Glad you liked it and welcome to my site. Sounds like he’s got similar strategies to a lot of these students, lol. Glad you found a great coach 🙂
A story of hope when I needed it. Thankyou
I’m so glad to hear that Jane 🙂
Hi Seth, do you have ADHD? I just found out that I do at the age of 51.
I sure do – I didn’t even know until I had been working with kids for years, then one day the school asked me to do a screener for one of my students, and I realized that it fir me as well!
Hi Seth,
– Just heard your great interview with Eric Tivers.
– Excellent explanation of the relationship between the brain’s response to trauma, the stories we create, how the trauma gets re-triggered, and how mindfulness mediation can help us calm that response.
YES!!!! It IS possible to meditate even if you have ADHD!!!
– I’m 69 and have just been diagnosed.
– have been “trying” to meditate since early 1990…
Thank you so much for shedding light on this vexing problem 🙂
i just discovered your website today and you’ve already had me in tears, twice! all of this information is like a window into my child’s mind! Truth is, i’ve thought my daughter (age 8) is very very normal until about two weeks ago when her teacher mentioned my daughter’s struggles to concentrate. and for months now, my own daughter, of all people, has been telling me flat-out that she is different, that her brain works differently, that she doesn’t fit in, and that she needs some sort of special program to help her in school. now that she’s really hitting me over the head with it, i’m finally listening and connecting the dots! my daughter has always been exceptional (Gifted, i think) so, i believe it’s more that *just* a learning disability. i’ve been unpacking this for only about 24 hours now, so we are just getting started…! annnnywho, just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you for your wealth of information and the sincerity of heart that i see in only a couple short visits to your site. i will be coming around lots more often 🙂
I graduated valedictorian in HS with several diverse state and national awards and honors throughout. Subsequently flunked out of the same college twice before finally finishing in 10 years. Two masters with 4.0’s since, and fathered 3 out of 4 “2e” children, two of which had a difficult time getting services because of their achievement. Currently work in education, and struggling with a regression in adequately compensating as I sometimes do under heavy stress. You are a very dynamic presenter and I appreciate your passion in this critical topic. I, too, like to speak to these needs, and did so long before I was a teacher. Thank you.
I am so glad you found your path. I hope for that for my child (and myself as an “older” mum diagnosed in my mid 40’s) who is struggling with similar issues you mentioned. Thank you for all of your free resources and information and inspiration.
this bio was amazing and very motivating and encouraging thanks for this 🙂
Thanks for sharing Seth! Your story is beautiful! I’m so glad you didn’t give up and used your challenges to help others who experience the same. You are a dear blessing:) Keep up the great work!
Have listened to several of your videos ~ very helpful words. I want to be MY better parent, MY better teacher. Lovingly retraining my brain makes the most sense by visualizing my “Executive Function” as my friend, rather than as my foe.
Thank you!
I know that feeling you described – I’m driving my wonderful old Volvo, stick shift, in the late afternoon sun, wing windows blowing my long hair. Big smile across my face.. Been a good day and I’m headed to the beach for a long after work run.
I’m not in that state of mind these days yet I know the “chunks and baby steps and decluttering” will help me move on from the trauma that has scrambled my life.
I know I can move on from this overwhelmed, rather hopeless person I’ve become.
I just found your site while researching how to help my daughter. She is only 6 /first grade. Thank you for sharing your story! Very inspiring!
Thank you for your inspiring story. We love your videos and toolkit.
Verynice blog
This part is very important for me।thanx
As you know, I’m Seth, and you probably won’t be surprised to learn that I was the struggling student that I work to help nowadays. Yep, I was “that kid.” Kindergarten was fine, but here are some rave reviews quoted directly from my 1st-grade report cards:
your blog post is very lovly
this part is very beutifull
sir Year after year, my grades slipped. Instead of developing my strengths, I tried to fit into the expectations of the school. Square peg, round hole. My frustration and hopelessness grew and eventually I gave up trying or put in as little effort possible to stay off the radar. Unconsciously, it came down to this: school wasn’t worth much effort since there was little reward and I just ended up feeling bad about myself anyhow. I wasn’t able to access learning in the way it was presented and I felt like a failure
I’m currently going through the same right now..i’m just starting my 11th grade and i already lost my momentum at the 1st semester,i knew i could keep up with the class but i became too lazy..i’m not too focused on school anymore and i’m about to lose my Voucher now i’m going to have to pay thousands every month and we’re not in a very good financial situation right now..i have no idea what to do and i’m in dire need of help,i’m done with advices,i truly do need help..i’m helpless
It’s a great story really l love it and it inspire me alot .
Hi Seth,
Thank you for your work in this area. You seem like a very inspiring person, doing work that you love with passion and compassion based on your own journey.
I work with kids who are neurodiverse and will be using your tools and encouraging teachers to do the same.
Keep on shining!
Hello Seth. I am at the lowest in my academic career. I have wanted to quit several times but my very traditional parents would never allow it( Tanzanian). I am very sure i am bery smart. But i haven’t been coping lately. I don’t know how i am going to come out of this phase and really graduate or even get a job( i am a 3rd year Civil Engineering student) i am just grateful you shared this