3 big problems with the ADHD brain and managing time are Time blindness and an unrealistic perception of how long things take, being late, and Poor forethought or planning. Well, the 3×10 rule helps a lot!
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Yup. Misjudge how long to take. Plan and prioritize order is warped. Time blind for sure. Poor focus to stick to it unless desperate time crunch
Thanks for the video. In my experience as an O.T. and as a parent, I have #8 to be the most challenging to help young adults develop. My 30 y.o. son still exhibits deficits in this area. Is there a window of development that is most ideal for mastering emotional regulation?
Super helpful in understanding time blindness (not disrespect).
I’m left with application questions for young ones. There is emotional collapse that comes with not wanting to do _____ in the first place. When 3×10 is applied the time frame for the unwanted thing multiplies. :/ Any solutions people use successfully?
Yes I hear you M – sometimes we say it won’t take long to help the little ones get started on it. The key is chunking. We chunk the task into components then we can make sure no single component is so big or lengthy or overwhelming that they don’t even want to start on it. When we use the 3×10 rule on each little chunk, it also has the bonus of being easier for the little ones to start getting a feel for a 10 minute block of time. We can do nothing in 10mins, we can just panic about what we should be doing for 10mins, or we can actually tick off the first little chunk of this task in 10mins. It is so much easier to do this right now if I know that by the time the minute hand has moved to 10 past, it’ll be done. It doesn’t matter how small the chunks have to be to make the task approachable, the point is to make a start and have that experience under your belt to create confidence for the next chunk.
Thank you Seth for your pearl-ers of wisdom 😉
Spot on.
Also agree that part of the reason that things take longer is the reluctance to get started.
I’m planning on a “homework chaperone” – to give space in the week to dedicate school work that requires completion or help to submit work completed (Grade 10).
3X10 is most likely applicable to many of us…..I like to think of it as time optimism 🙂
I like that terminology- time optimism 🙂
I’m blown away that I struggle the ways I do and am JUST coming to accept some things about myself. Seeing it in my students, my own kids, and in myself. I like that acceptance helps me consider what next steps to tackle. One goal at a time! It’s what I’m coaching the kids I work with – I need it too!
So how would you apply to a 8 yr old?
He has NO concept even how long it takes him to get dressed!