I received an email asking about this, and this video is an in-depth response. Here’s the original email:
Ok, here is a question for you: How do you think executive functioning applies to being an entrepreneur? I have recently joined a group at my son’s school whose goal is to improve the entrepreneurial program, which is the foundation of the school. In a recent brainstorming session, we came up with a bunch of ideas geared towards improving the program. I suggested strengthening the TEACHING of executive functioning skills, because I feel this school does a GREAT job of providing the kids a chance to practice EF skills, but not a lot of teaching about WHAT they are. Which is frankly, the case in a lot of schools. I am a huge believer that having a language around issues helps communication, problem resolving and creative solutions happen more smoothly. The administrators at the school seem open to the idea, but there are other members of the committee who are really resistant to the idea. A couple of things I am coming up against, I believe, are:
1. A lack of understanding of what “EF skills” means,
2. A resistance to the idea of planning in connection with entrepreneurialism, and
3. A desire to focus only on the new/innovative and risk tolerance aspects of entrepreneurialism.
My thought is that creativity and risk tolerance have quite a bit to do with EF skills (updating, shifting, self-regulation, etc). And taking an idea from a vision to a profitable business has TONS of EF involvement. Thanks for your time! And also, a genuine, heartfelt thank you for helping this linear thinking mom understand her concurrently thinking children.
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🙏 Thanks! — Seth
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