Please CLICK above to share.This vlog is based on a recent email I received:
Thank you Seth for your support. I joined in hopes to find and read ideas you have for helping at risk students. Almost 25% of the students in our Freshman class are at risk, unintentional learners and unmotivated. — High School Instructional Technology Coach
This post explores what at-risk means and how to help.
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Video transcript:
Hey, what’s up? My name is Seth. I am an executive function coaching Boulder Colorado. I help struggling students figure out how to navigate this thing called school. So I got this letter from a high school instructional technology coach and it coach and it says this Seth thank you for your support. I joined or signed up your website and hope to find and read ideas you have for helping at-risk students. Almost 25% of our students in our freshman class are risk unintentional Learners in unmotivated. Wow guy’s parents teachers people watching. Please have got I I just I just did another video similar to this but we have got to step it up a million steps. This is not okay. Alright, so first let me let me talk about what does at risk mean says 25% of the freshmen are at risk 25% one in four students. You see walking down the hallway and classroom of 20 kids, which is not ever going to happen a nice goal in the classroom of 20 kids five of them are at risk in school of 2500 are at risk and that’s just the ones who are accounted there may obviously be a lot more. What does that mean? Well the way I describe the purpose of Education Is that when a student is is done with their educational experience? So after high school or college or Gap years or whatever that you consider education? They should have the skills the tools whatever is necessary for them to launch a great future. I use the word launched a lot. So what are they at risk of they are a risk of not being able to launch a happy and successful future their risk of not being able to have the skills the knowledge whatever it is that it takes to have a great future. They were at risk of not being able to have that. So the students that I work with. I’m an executive function coach all of the students that I work with struggle in school. They’re probably technically all at risk and my job is to minimize reduce or remove that risk. That is what I’m trying to do so that they can launch a great future and if you’re a parent or teacher or profession was working with struggling students and you were trying to help them struggling there are at risk their struggling because they’re at risk of not being ever launched and that’s what we’re trying to do here. So thank you so much for your email. It’s just really good to hear concrete from somebody. Who’s out there in the trenches than in terms of what’s going on and what you’re dealing with. So I want to mention the other two things. You said you said unintentional Learners or unmotivated and I have this idea called the intentional learner and it’s like this book idea that I came up with long time ago. But like when I think about what I’m trying to do with students, I don’t talk about this a lot of my block, but I’ll talk about it today. I thought that the best word that I can come up with is that we are trying to help students become intentional learners. Because if you can be mindful conscious self aware as a learner it if you can be a learner who is learning and moving through education with intentionality. Then you have greater choice and freedom in your able to create a better future for yourself. If you are moving through education unintentionally blindly mindlessly unconsciously without self-awareness not metacognitively without inspection without being reflective. Then you are missing one of the key things that anybody needs in order to have a happy and successful future which is the intentionality being intentional not being a robot not being mindless not just doing whatever you’re doing in that thinking about it, but thinking about what you want to do in this lifetime in in this world and how you want to treat people and how you want interact with people in the type of relationship you want to have and what type of contributions you want to make intentionality is such an important key. So thank you for mentioning that Word as well. So corner of them are at risk or unintentional Learners awesome phrase and I’m motivated and that’s the last thing I’ll talk about I do not try to motivate. My students. It is not about motivation to meet. Is it although you’re right and what you said that there are unmotivated but for you parents and teachers out there, I do not I you can do whatever you want. I do not talk to my clients my students about becoming more motivated. I don’t play that game because it’s not a winning game. Telling them they should be more motivated or trying to motivate them is not what gets them to take action. What gets them to take action is reduce dealing with the emotional aspect of what’s going on dealing with you. You have your you have your Iceberg here. And the tip of the iceberg is what we see underneath the iceberg is all of this other it is this huge mass. It’s 80 or 90% of the iceberg is on on underneath. So what’s going on beneath the surface with these kids. What I’m trying to do is I’m trying to find out what’s going on under the surface and usually there resistance comes from their emotionally overwhelmed. So I have to deal with the emotional overwhelm in order to help them get motivated or to take action. And what I’m really trying to do is help them learn how to do what they need to do, even though they’re not motivated. That’s the way I approach it and look at it and convey it to them. Okay. I know you don’t want to do it. That’s cool. I wouldn’t want to do it if I were you either but how do we do it anyhow and overcome the resistance for your own well-being and that’s a whole nother can of worms. That’s what my whole practice is built around his how do you help these kids do what they need to do for their own future well-being, but they’re resistant to doing And again, you’ve got to look at what’s underneath the service, and that’s what we often don’t look at in education. Anyhow, I just wanted to pack that for you guys a little bit and look at that. Again. My name is stuff for a little stuff Pro, I’m an executive function coach at a Boulder, Colorado helping struggling students turn around in school so that they can have a great future. We haven’t signed up. I have a ton of free stuff on my side, and I have free updates then I have a free mini course when you sign up as well, but check out the site. There’s tons of resources for you. Hang in there. Don’t give up. Keep moving forward step by step by step helping your kids turn it around and have a great future. Take care.
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