Parents, we live in a time when the most important thing of all, our connection with our loved ones, is often challenged. This video teaches a phenomenal concept I learned from George Betts, who was a true leader in the education world. Enjoy!
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Hey, parents! What’s up, it’s me, Seth, with I’m an executive function coach based in Colorado, and I help struggling students navigate this thing called education so they can have a great life. And during this time, when everything is up in the air, and everything is unpredictable, I was thinking about something from a man named George Betts, that might be very, very, very helpful to you. And it’s called “Super Saturday”, hold on, it’s not just on Saturday. It doesn’t matter if you have teenagers, or if you have four-year-olds, this can help your family.
So George Betts was my teacher when I was getting my master’s in Gifted and Talented education. George Betts, unfortunately, passed away not too long ago, and he had a tremendous impact on me. And one of the ideas that he would throw around is this idea of a Super Saturday. The Super Saturday is a really easy, fantastic way for you to improve connection, the connection in the family. Particularly with a lot of you parents who have adolescents, teenagers right now, there’s a lot of disconnect, and sometimes a lot of tension, and struggle, and stuff. And I always say, when I’m doing my talks and such, I always say that the most important thing is the relationship. So I know that there are other things going on, that there are school tasks that need to be done, and responsibilities, and chores, and yadda yadda yadda. And sometimes we get lost and all that stuff and forget what’s most important, which is the relationship. A relationship is something that takes time and takes intentionality. Intentionally, building. And Super Saturday is a fantastic way to do it. Here’s how it works.
First of all, it doesn’t have to be on Saturday, doesn’t matter what day, and it doesn’t have to be a whole day, it can be as long as you want. But the idea is this. Each family member takes a Saturday, so it doesn’t matter if you have three family members, or if you have 10 family members, each family member takes a Saturday and they get to do what they want to do as a family. They plan everything. They plan on what time you wake up, what you eat for breakfast, where you eat breakfast, how you eat breakfast, what you do for lunch, what you do in between, what activities. So essentially, a way that you can adapt this really easily is to have a Super Saturday in terms of super evenings. So you can have an evening, let’s say it’s a Wednesday evening, and one of your children says that they are going to be designing that evening, and they choose what time it starts. Maybe at five o’clock, you all start cooking dinner together, you eat pizza, or whatever the student wants as their favorite meal. And maybe people sit at whatever seats the person wants them to sit at that night at the dinner table. And maybe that evening is game night, or is watching their favorite movie, even if you all have seen it a million times, whatever, or a dance party, whatever it is. It depends on the age of the student and it depends on their hobbies. You know, they may need more guidance from you in terms of creating the night, or less depending on the family dynamics and everything.
Anyhow, I just wanted to leave you with one quick, easy, amazing idea that you can all implement multiple, multiple times in your households that can bring greater connection. Help your child feel more sense of belonging, help you feel more sense of belonging, help your child feel more like they matter like they’re important, and to build the relationship, which I believe is the most important thing we have. You know, depending on the age of your child, they may not be in the house very much longer. If you have a junior in high school, you don’t have a lot of time with them before they’re off to college or they’re off on gap years or they’re off on career, or exploring jobs, or exploring life in whatever ways, they’re not living with you anymore. So time is precious, precious, precious. You know, how many more years do you have with your kiddo? And it seems to me, as watching the families that I work with, it’s like every six months or so these kids are different human beings. So it’s very precious. And with that, I want to wish you a healthy, safe, joyous, and peaceful day with the connection. Take care.
Oh, my name is Seth Perler, I’m an executive function coach in Colorado. If you like this, give it a thumbs up and support me. Leave a comment below, that helps my YouTube channel grow. Subscribe on YouTube, subscribe on my blog, share my work. I put out something every single week to help people, particularly students, who struggle with executive function. Be well.
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