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This vlog gives parents 4 concrete tips to help you help your child start the school year right.
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Video transcript:
Hey parents, what’s up? If your student is about to start the school year this the beginning of the school year and you want them to have a strong start and they struggle with executive function. I’ve got four tips for you today. My name is the plural executive function coach at Boulder Colorado. I have struggling students navigate this thing called education parents. I got four tips for you today to start the school year off right for back to school time in terms of how to help your student your child. I have a great school year or at least to get started with that tip number one, if your student struggles with executive function, what you want to do is help your child. I hit the ground running to tip number one is help your child. Hit the ground running. How do you do that? Well, what you don’t do is you don’t wait until after the first hey to start getting ready for the school year you get ready before as much as possible. What is that look like number one setup what I call the sacred studies face. If you’re not familiar with my work sign up for my blog check out the sacred study space stuff that I have a bite. Want to help your child start the school year were they helped design? They have ownership in Vienna in terms of Designing their own sacred study space if your child tends to study on the couch on the floor in bed, which is the number one worst place to study and stuff like that help them really design a place where they can do two things one remove distractions in to maximize it for productivity and focus. So that is a secret study space. So you want to hit the ground running when you want to have a secret study space to you want the planner front-loaded you want a front load everything in the beginning of the school year that you possibly can but in terms of the plan of what I do is I block out all the Highlight out all the days that the kids have off for the entire school year we do that at the beginning of the year put things into the planner like their extracurricular activities like big if you’re going to travel this fall for Thanksgiving or the holidays things like that. It’s so you want a front load the calendar you’re going to hit the ground running when your child can walk into school on day one. And they’re planner or their calendar or their gender. Are there online calendar? Whatever the they’re using that it already has the important things in that planner so that when they can go in on day one, they open it out. They can already see some things that are in there. They’re already familiar with that. They’ve already worked in their planner. So hit the ground running also means having their folders really the clearly labeled with her name in the course really big clear labels color coded. There are no books are labeled. I know that sometimes teachers are going to give your kid a list. Hey for my class. I want you to get that the not going to get that till the first day. But when I say hit the ground running you won’t have everything you can possibly have in place have a secret study space ready to rock and roll have the organizational system with the folders in the backpack ready to rock and roll have everything label the compass and protractor their backpack and everything with their name on it in case they lose it that it comes back to them have all the things done. So day one. Do you want them to walk into their classes with with some some sense of what’s going on son sense of organization some sense that their planner they’ve already been using it though. They’ve already been exposed to it. You do not want them to just go for the backpack full of random supplies that come from the the list that the school told you to buy and they’re just not right there. Just haphazardly walking in and randomly, maybe jotting some stuff in their planner stuff like that. You want them really ready to hit the ground running that is tip number one do whatever you need to do to help him hit the ground running. So when they walk into those classes on day one, they’re actually ready to listen and learn and they actually have thought through some things number 2. Number to tip if your child struggles with executive function is make a weekly plan and post it on a wall somewhere and what that look like is that your again same concept to trotta’s buying and ownership over designing their week. So you don’t. They don’t don’t just go to school and randomly do stuff but you actually make a visual large printed calendar that looks nice. Hopefully that they’ve participated in creating that has their ideal week the ideal week. This isn’t something you change. This is just one if you put up on the wall, what does an ideal week look like so and you want to be as detailed as possible not as detailed as possible you want to be detailed enough so that they can see a general structure for the week. So for example, you might have a 6:30 a.m. Wake up 7 a.m. Go to school and then just say school from whatever time it whatever time and then maybe 4 p.m. Relaxation time 5 p.m. Plan my evening 6 p.m. Dinner 7 to 8:30 homework Focus time whatever if they have extracurriculars plan that in the week Friday nights, probably it’s completely free when they get home. Hopefully then I think that’s what all it said Sunday night should be Sunday night overhaul overhauling other systems updating their planner getting ready for the new Wii closing of the ovary whatever but you want to print a an ideal week that is tip number to print an idea week. If you don’t have to follow that plan all the time, but you want to have the plan so that your child can look at it and it’s concretely see some sense of structure because they struggle with executive function. They’re going to struggle with imagining a youthful structure in there going to be late on everything and really struggling for the whole semester number three Advocate early. So if your child Example struggles with Matt get the math tutor at the beginning of the school year don’t wait until things get bad and math before you get a tutor start off with a month of a tutor invest in that time. And in that money in that tutor to get a strong start rather than waiting until Things Fall Apart Advocate. Also, if your child starts with stuff send a quick email short lesson 2 page bulleted notes. Hey, my kids struggles with these three things in here are three things you can do to help. Thanks so much for being there teacher. I’m going to resend this email to you in two weeks cuz I know you’re busy and still getting to the no kids and then resend that email a couple times they hey, I know you already I just want to make sure you got it and I know you have a lot on your plate. Hopefully you can read through this real quick. And here’s what you need to know about my kids. So Advocate early and number for the number one most important thing in your child’s entire life is that you their relationships and all of our Lives relationships are really what matter so remember that your kids childhood, you know, you got eighteen years to for they move out of house. How many cases in and the time is precious, you know and sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day and in schoolwork and homework and all of the all the things remember the relationship most important thing so plan for this fall right now playing with your child weekends, or you know nights when you’re going to just do fun things with them and it like look at the semester right now with your child in tehaleh plan in sometimes when we can really not talk about school. Have fun do some cool things that we enjoy doing together and have quality time at the most important thing so plan that in now call for the entire semester planning. Sometimes when you guys are going to have fun and laugh and connect and build the relationship which is the most important thing. Anyhow get my name is set this up for what., North Dakota to Boulder Colorado if you want click the Bell button, if you wanted to give you reminders anytime I put a new video up at alert you unsubscribe for my blog. Give out free blogs every single week and I’ll see you soon. Take care.
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