PART 2: An actual 3 min meditation (starts at 2:15)
Today is about: Can people with ADHD and Executive Function challenges meditate, why does it even matter, and how to get started.
- Meditation has been the BEST thing for adhd/ef ever, because it helps me manage my attention/focus, and as a result, I have a better life in multiple areas.
- But resisted for years because I had a story that I can’t meditate, it doesn’t work for me, because I can’t stop thinking. I had excuses, and completely misunderstood meditation, and I definitely missed out.
- Here I discuss the BENEFITS of meditation, HOW to meditate in an easy way, and I will do a 3 minute meditation with you.
- Video 2 is JUST the meditation so you can practice any time with guidance.
- 333 MEDITATION CHALLENGE: Meditate for 3 days in a row, 3x a day, 3 minutes each time and see what happens. Comment if you want to share, it would mean a lot to me and others.
- You can journal after
- Find a timer you like
- Remove distractions
- Position should be comfortable
- Start timer
- Get comfortable
- Start with 3 long, soft belly breaths, 6in 8 out
- Be the watcher, observe, witness, notice. Notice forehead for a few moments, then eyes, cheeks, nose, etc..
- Notice distractions: Thoughts, emotions, urge to fidget, noises, etc. At end, take time opening eyes
- Check out video 2.
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🙏 Thanks! — Seth
Video Transcript: Coming soon
Thank you so much for all your great videos. They are such a wonderful resource for common sense real world solutions and well thought out strategies.